InstantSecurityPolicy Information Security Policies

Tens of Thousands of Policies Delivered to Satisfied Customers Since 2008.

"Information Security Policy - cloud-based wizard in an hour, guaranteed."

Create your own custom

information security policy

using the groundbreaking policy creation wizard.  This wizard packs the power of the cloud and cyber security experts with over 30 years' experience to generate a custom solution for you to be audit-ready within minutes.

How does it work?

Our innovative policy creation WIZARD asks you questions in plain English to determine your policy needs, and then generates a custom information security policy to meet those needs.  Your security policies are emailed to you as soon as they are created.  We do not send you thousands of policies and force you to find and customize the ones that apply to you.  You will immediately receive your policies that are complete, comprehensive, guaranteed.

YYou can literally have a custom information security policy in ten minutes. Better yet, your policies are easily editable in all major word processing programs, allowing you to tweak them to fit your needs exactly. Visit the products page for more information about the IT policies we provide, which include the following:

Acceptable Use PolicyPassword Policy
Backup PolicyNetwork Access Policy
Incident Response PolicyRemote Access Policy
Email PolicyGuest Access Policy
Wireless PolicyThird Party Connection Policy
Network Security PolicyEncryption Policy
Confidential Data PolicyData Classification Policy
Mobile Device PolicyRetention Policy
Outsourcing PolicyPhysical Security Policy
Virtual Private Network (VPN) Policy

In addition, with our most popular product (Gold), you also receive all the Information Security Policy Standard Forms you would need to implement your security policies, including:

  • Policy Acknowledgement Form
  • Security Incident Report
  • Notice of Policy Noncompliance
  • Account Setup Request
  • Guest Access Request
  • Request for Policy Exemption
  • And more!

Visit our samples page for screenshots of policies and the application, or set up a trial account to see how the unique application works and generate a free sample information security policy customized to your company!

Since policies generated at are customized to your company, you can immediately use your policies to:

In order to meet security standards such as Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), Payment Card Industry (PCI) DSS, Sarbanes Oxley (SOX), Massachusetts 201 CMR 17.00, and SAS 70 series of standards, your Information Security Management Systems (ISMS) must meet certain criteria. Our security policies were written based on a cohesive and integrated approach using security best practices stemming from the C-I-A triad of confidentiality, integrity, and availability.

To be effective, your information security policy should share two characteristics: 1) it must be an accurate reflection of your company's security strategy and, 2) it must provide realistic and attainable security goals. A security policy needs to be specific to your company. The challenging part is often finding a way to accomplish these goals without devoting a huge amount of time and/or money to the effort.

Recognize that security policies should not be created and then shelved for eternity, but rather actively consulted throughout your company's organization. By incorporating

your custom security policy

into your company's management process, it is possible to both meet applicable regulations and enjoy risk reduction for years to come.

About Instant Security Policy

Since its launch in 2008, has helped thousands of companies in over 55 countries and all 50 US states to cost-effectively address their security policy needs. Policies developed by assist a diverse customer base in providing a solid foundation for IT security, fulfilling industry regulations, providing security documentation for audits, and acting as a security handbook. has provided pre-written information security policies to small organizations, companies with tens of thousands of employees, city and state governments and segments of the Department of Defense.

Our security experts have successfully provided consultative security solutions for companies with five employees to fifty thousand employees. We are so confident you will find our security policies to be useful that we offer a money-back guarantee if you are not satisfied. Please visit the FAQ or contact us page if you have any questions.

Because the IT security world is constantly growing and changing, you need our seasoned computer security professionals by your side. can fulfill this need for you today!


IT Security Policy Client Logos

"I needed IT policies for a PCI audit.  Your product immediately gave me what I needed to achieve compliance."
Joe Jones - CIO, Denver, CO

"After our auditor dinged us on our IT security policies I dreaded rewriting them knowing that at my previous company it took weeks. I signed up for your trial and was blown away at how easy the IT policy generator was.  At our audit recheck the auditors gave approval to our IT policies exactly as we received them from you."
Lesa Matkins - IT Manager, San Francisco, CA

"My CIO tasked me with updating our IT policy handbook and I was able to use your application to provide completely new and up-to-date IT policies quickly and easily."
Jose Gonzalez - System Administrator, Brownsville, TX

"A new business partner required us to provide our IT Policies for VPN access.  I was able to use your IT policy writer to get the necessary IT security policies very quickly."
Doug Jackson, - IT Director, Toronto, Canada

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